
《妙探双姝》男演员Lee Thompson Young自杀身亡

爱美剧 2019-07-14 09:57 加载中...
《妙探双姝》男演员Lee Thompson Young自杀身亡

今天上午证实《妙探双姝》(Rizzoli & Isles)的男演员Lee Thompson Young,在家自杀身亡,年仅29岁;出生于南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚的Lee Thompson Young,曾出演迪斯尼剧The Famous Jett Jackson﹑《实习医生风云》(Scrubs)﹑《未来闪影》(FlashForward)﹑《超人前传》(Smallville)﹑《胜利之光》(Friday Night Lights)电影版,但近期他最为人熟悉的角色还是《妙探双姝》里的Barry Frost警探。事发当天他原定要拍摄《妙探双姝》新集,但当周一上午他没出现在片场时,就联络房东上门查看,却发现疑似吞枪自杀的Lee Thompson Young。(本文为他有枪伤,但属于自杀。)


《妙探双姝》制作人Janet Tamaro发推表示了自己的哀悼: "We are all without the words to truly express our collective grief and profound sadness at the loss of such a sweet, bright light, We are broken-hearted."

Janet Tamaro后期与TNT﹑华纳兄弟合发声明: "Everyone at Rizzoli & Isles is devastated the news of the passing of Lee Thompson Young. We are beyond heartbroken at the loss of this sweet, gentle, good-hearted, intelligent man. He was truly a member of our family. Lee will be cherished and remembered all who knew and loved him, both on- and offscreen, for his positive energy, infectious smile and soulful grace. We send our deepest condolences and thoughts to his family, to his friends and, most especially, to his beloved mother."
